Design of railway lines
What does the service include?
Geodetic works necessary for the implementation of the project;
Construction and measurement of a geodetic network;
Detailed geodetic survey of interstations and small stations, including all small and large facilities;
Detailed geodetic survey of railway stations;
Detailed geodetic survey of road junctions and intersections;
Procedures for legalization of temporary roads;
Vertical planning;
Geotechnical works (field office-laboratory), necessary for design and preparation of Geotechnical report.
Submission of the project (conceptual, technical and detailed) for all construction works, including electrical / mechanical works on building structures, roads and railways.
Design of railway bridges;
Design of road junctions;
Design of road underpasses and pedestrian crossings;
Design of small facilities;
Railway part.
Preparation of conceptual design for main highway axes, levels, transverse profiles in 20 m, transverse and longitudinal drainage, details, measurement of substructure, stability calculations and calculations of load capacity and deformations, draft situational plan, final plot plan, plan for organization and completion of construction, quantity accounts, etc.
Preparation of a draft project for the railway stations and stations – axes, levels, cross profiles in 20 m and at specific places, cross and longitudinal drainage, details, measuring of lower construction, stability calculations and calculations of carrying capacity and deformations, draft situational plan, final plot plan, Draft Project for organization and completion of construction, quantity accounts, etc.
Coordination of projects.
Road Part
Road junctions, road crossings and underpasses. Plan for organization and completion of construction, quantity bills, etc .;
Road design
Coordination of projects.
Design of new stations;
Design for reconstruction of existing railway stations;
Lighting of stations and streets.